Sunday, September 27, 2015
Nancy's Garden
This plein air painting, 11" x 14", oil, was done at the tail end of the Santa Fe Plein Air Festival in June, 2015. It was too late to enter it in that show, but it has been accepted in the Plein Air Painters 2015 Member's Annual Juried Show, Oct. 2 - 25 Santa Fe Art Collector Gallery, 217 Galisteo St. in Santa Fe.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Cloud 9 show
Here is a photo of me and a painting I am working on for my solo exhibition titled "Cloud 9" Sept. 18 - Oct. 18 at InArt Santa Fe Gallery, 219 Delgado St, Santa Fe, NM 87501. The show is a celebration of the Southwest monsoon. Opening reception is 5 - 7 p.m. Sept 18. I look forward to meeting you there!