Saturday, November 6, 2010

Along The Pecos — SOLD

This painting was done at Villanueva State Park in New Mexico. The challenge here was to exploit the many shades of green for variety — and to avoid monotany — in the painting. I started out using a limited palette of cadmium yellow, cadmium red and ultramarine blue deep and titanium white. Later, I added touches of other shades of blue and red to my mixtures to create tones I couldn't get with the original triad of tube colors. To capture the lightness of the dirt in the foreground effectively, I relied on the use of saturated color, analogous hues and modulating of warm and cool tones while avoiding the overuse of white.


Jo Anne Neely Gomez said...

Tom, I think this is my favorite - the colors are really quite striking - subtle but just enough "hint" in certain areas to make it really pop. Great job. Another friend of mine recently was at this same park but it's YOUR painting that makes me want to go to it now (haha).

Dorothy Wallstein said...

Wonderful painting. The treatment of the water is wonderful.